I only approved this comment to show that often Ruckmanites instead of dealing with documentation as in Dr. Hymer's book, simply brush it off mimicking Ruckman's name calling and insults.
I am thankful for all of your Imfo on the Doc. A very good read indeed! He is alike to Dr Gene Scott ,who fooled me for years.[until his marrage to a pornstar} THE TALK IS THE SAME.very gifted men high IQs
but off center. I feel that I was set up by the ASSEM OF God church and C.I.Schfield bible when I was little.
Hot Dog Hymers!
You Ole RASCAL you!
There isn’t enough MUSTARD in the UNIVERSE to cover Hot Dog Hymers!, lol
I only approved this comment to show that often Ruckmanites instead of dealing with documentation as in Dr. Hymer's book, simply brush it off mimicking Ruckman's name calling and insults.
I am thankful for all of your Imfo on the Doc. A very good read indeed! He is alike to Dr Gene Scott ,who fooled me for years.[until his marrage to a pornstar} THE TALK IS THE SAME.very gifted men high IQs
but off center. I feel that I was set up by the ASSEM OF God church and C.I.Schfield bible when I was little.