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- Ruckman’s disdain for the founders of Fundamentalism and historic positions
- Ruckman’s teaching on inspiration is confusing and hard to follow
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- Analyzing Peter Ruckman: Some random thoughts and unanswered questions
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Search Results for: A look at Ruckman’s reasons for declaring the KJV to be superior to the originals
A look at Ruckman’s reasons for declaring the KJV to be superior to the originals
One of the distinctives of Ruckmanism that raises eyebrows is the unusual claim that the KJV is superior to the originals. Ruckman seems to think that his list of reasons are irrefutable, as demonstrated in the following boast:
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Ruckman’s disdain for the original manuscripts of the Bible
What are Ruckman’s views on the original manuscripts of the Bible? Are they Biblical, and do they reflect conservative theological views? In some previous articles, we analyzed various issues that have a bearing on his views on the originals:
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Critique of Ruckmanism Ruckus, a book in defense of Peter Ruckman
Ruckmanism Ruckus was written by Geneha Kim, a 2006 graduate of Ruckman’s Bible institute. The foreword was written by William (Bill) Grady. It is 376 pages in length and was published in 2010. It was printed by Ruckman’s Bible Baptist …
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Who was the first prominent KJV defender to influence others to declare the KJV to be inerrant or inspired in the 20th century?
The quotes provided below are to assist readers in determining not only who was the person of influence who began to teach in the 20th century that the KJV was inerrant and/or inspired, but also when. Many of the initial …
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